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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Swiss Wildlife

I have been getting a lot of work done on 'Particle Play' lately.  I am trying to get as much written as possible before it's time to head back to Basel for Fasnacht.  This serves a double purpose of getting the play written and saving money. But, all of the particles swirling inside my head are telling me to get out, get out, get out!

So I bought some running shoes, which work equally well as walking shoes.  I have found a little path by the river in Verscio, where I have actually gone on one little run (going again tomorrow).  I thought the path might go all the way to Intragna (or at least the little town at the bottom of the valley below Intragna).  So, I've been taking some mini-hikes starting in Intragna and going down into the valley, in search of the path. 

While I haven't found that path, I have found a nice flat stretch on the other side of the river, and I've also seen some signs of spring!

Crocuses!  Look closely at the bee!


More donkeys!

The river below Intragna - it's rising as the weather gets warmer.

Last but not least, the FART train crossing into Intragna.


  1. I hope I don't grow up before you finish writing about the FART train. Because I crack up like a kid. Every. Single. Time.

  2. Me, too! And I see it/ride it every day!
